Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stupid Cervix

I am a creature of habit.  On the Monday of spring break I always go get my women's physical done.  Well that just so happened to fall on two days after the wedding.  Labs came back the next week with abnormal cells on my cervix.  So to the specialist I went.  After several biopsies and procedures they were able to remove the precancerous cells from my cervix but had thinned it out pretty substantially by the time it was all said and done.  So in August the specialist suggested that we go ahead and get pregnant if that was something we wanted to do.  We had only been married for 5 months and hadn't planned on expanding our family for another year.  I told the doctor that we needed sometime to pray for God's direction for our family.  The specialist told me that if I came back for my next round of testing in December and had abnormal cells again that it would be best to remove my cervix.  We decided to wait for a while and continue to seek God's will.  So the last week in October, Stud Muffin and I stood over the toilet and ceremoniously flushed all of my birth control pills.  We knew that it might take several months for us to conceive since I had been on birth control for a while.

Those were the longest two months ever.  We read books, articles, anything and everything we could get our hands on to give us the best chances at conceiving.  I went to the doctor weekly to get blood drawn to find out if I was pregnant.  With the clock ticking we felt defeated.  I went to my appointment for another round of testing and uncomfortable exams on a Friday.  Saturday morning I woke up not feeling well.  I just didn't feel right.  I couldn't explain what was going on.  I remembered I had a pregnancy test under the bathroom cabinet, so I took the test.  I was shocked when it had TWO LINES!  I showed Muffin and he said that I should take another to be sure.  I went to Walgreen's to pick up milk, pancake syrup, and another pack of pregnancy tests.  Two more sets of double pink lines confirmed we were PREGNANT!

We asked my parents to come over to take our picture in front of the Christmas tree and then we gave them a card from Beans saying he was going to be a big brother.  Muffin decided to have Beans wear a special big brother shirt to tell the news to his family when we went up to Oklahoma for Christmas.

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