Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Final Semester of College and Graduation

Beans at 3 months
The last semester of college was filled with dirty diapers, baby giggles, the intoxicating smell of baby magic lotion, college papers, 2nd grade internship, and working evenings at the grocery store.  This was probably my hardest 6 months.  Trying to juggle my responsibilities in school, financially, and as a new mom I could barely keep my head above water.  But by the grace of God I pulled through that semester and graduated from college with a bachelor's in education.  I graduated in December.  Finding a teaching job mid year is almost impossible.  With another answered prayer I found myself the week before graduation signing contract with a district to become a 3rd grade science and social studies teacher.  I was pumped!  Finally molding minds in my very own classroom!
Graduation was the week before XMAS,
Beans was 9 months old

I arrived to find a decomposing portable labeled "Science Lab" to be my new home away from home past the barbed wire fenced in teacher parking lot.  The portable leaned noticeably to one side and had computers bolted to the wall that were such an old model of a Mac I couldn't figure out how to turn the Jurassic boxes even on.  Evidently, the flasks and scales in the lab were really good for cooking drugs and distributing them because my portable was broken into 3 times that semester.  Those slugs even stole my box of Chicken In A Biscuit crackers and the cordial cherries out from under the sink that served as my teacher desk.  It was in an area I was afraid to get gas in at the local gas station.  I drove in crazy traffic for an hour each way everyday to begin to build up enough saving for Beans and I to get our own home.

Justa Swingin'
That second Mother's Day weekend Beans and I moved into our very own apartment.  My first purchase for our new home was this precious swing for the balcony of our appointment.  Once a week my dad would come over and eat dinner at the apartment and take out my trash for me.  On the weekends we would drive the 5 miles from the apartment back to my parents house to eat their food and do our laundry.  With cooking for a toddler meals are pretty limited for processed foods.  So my culinary skills started with cereal and ended with spaghetti o's and chicken nuggets.  Our cabinets and fridge were filled with convenient foods and sugary treats for me to snack out on after Beans went to bed.  I had gotten down from the 267 at delivery to 230 when we moved into the apartment.

So we coasted through the remainder of the school year.  Much of this year was also spent in and out of the court house fighting for sole custody of Beans. Despite my family and friends tremendous support I felt alone and hopeless.  I prayed to not have to raise my son alone but knew with a 1 year old son, 245 pounds, and a career in a female monopolized industry... it was going to be divine intervention to find a man good enough to be my husband but more importantly the father to my son.

So for a year I focused on the things that I believed were most important.  I tried very hard to run a nice home, cook better meals, and be the best mom I could be.  I began trying to develop more friendships and become a better teacher.  I decorated our little 2 bedroom apartment and continued to make our apartment truly a home for Beans and I.  When Beans was 2 I decided to join the dating game.  Stay tuned for my fool proof way to land a stud muffin like I did!

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